Slaver (2)Full unit name: Slaver (Role)
Last updated: 29.08.2024 23:57:48
Basic info
First appearance: The Han Solo Adventures 2 : Han Solo's Revenge
The Han Solo Adventures 2 : Han Solo's Revenge
A slaver was an individual who practiced and engaged in the business of slavery. Slavery was the practice wherein sentient beings were treated as property to be bought and sold, enforced by violence or other forms of coercion. Those who owned slaves for their own use, but did not intend to sell them for profit, were often not considered slavers.
Those who held sentient beings captive and treated them as prisoners with the intention of releasing them for ransom, exchanging them for something valuable, or blackmailing someone to whom the captives were important were also not considered slave traders.
Organizations that have assigned this role to their members
Kintan Kings
Complete list

Full unit name: Slaver (Role) Last updated: 29.08.2024 23:57:48